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Of course, I did exactly what I said I would not do & I started a new project. Oh well, I am enjoying it & since it is a hat I think I can actually finish it quickly. Once that is done I have a feeling I will be motivated to get my butt in gear & get some bigger projects done.

Tomorrow my plan is to get pics taken of all of my works in progress. THen I can post them & be thoroughly embarrassed by my lack of commitment to one item. I am on a deadline with Christmas coming  though. Also making a bunch of Hallowigs for me & Sadie. Too fun, I bought some really vibrant red heart. Red, orange, yellow, turquoise & pink. Yay! I think wearing them all the time is a great idea for someone like me with no hair. I will post a picture of myself so you can see the glorious creature that I am.

Tracy is out tonight with Summers from knitting last night. Havin’ coffee, hangin’ out, talkin’ bout junk. I hope you girls had a great chat!


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How did I not knit a single stitch today??

Okay remember this morning just after 8 when I was all excited to have time to just knit, knit away?? Yeah, not so much! I ended up on the computer all day just randomly checking email & blogs. What a waste, but it turned out good because I had a number of new comments that made me happy

So now that dinner is in the oven & the kitchen is sparkling, I am going to go do some knitting on the hubby’s sweater. Sounds like a plan stan!