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Fair isle yoke close to done

I am only the back neck shaping & collar away from being done with the fair isle yoke.

I love it! I am very pleased with how it turned out. I didn’t need the whole chart so I worked my favorite parts of it to get them all in before running out of space. Now I have to decide what I want to do for the collar & cuffs. I am going to steek it to make it a cardigan so the fronts will need to match. I am thinking that I will do a 2 color rib but do I do a pattern like peaks (triangles) or do I do 2×2 rib with 2 colors. Not sure, I will go right back in & start messing around with it to decide. I do think the 2 color 2×2 is what is going to win out.

Yesterday was great with Tracy working on her fair isle shawl. She posted pics, you should go check them out! For her 80+ rows of fair isle on the machine, I finished 12 rows in the same amount of time. Granted, I was not sitting at the machine non-stop like she was. I had little beasties to discipline, torment & generally just be a mom to.