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Forgetful me

Why do I always have my camera with me at knitting but I never take any photos?? Lamo!

By the way, I have requested, very vehemenetly may I add, that for Mother’s Day I get a new camera. An ad, with photo, were given to my man last weekend so he has plenty of time to get it taken care of! Now, if I don’t get said camera I will still love him but I will be rather disappointed. I have been using the oldest, cheapest ($70 back in 2000) digital camera. It does what I want most of the time but that is only because I know it’s limitations and I don’t stretch them.

On to knitting!

Java Station was fun last night. We are going to do another swap of knitting stuff next week if anyone want to join in the fun & de-stash! It’s George’s birthday so I can’t stay but I may have Tracy bring my stuff, cones of yarn that I am sure noone wants but will try to get rid of. ;o)

If you do want to bring anything you can always post on the santabarbaraknitters site to advertise what you are bringing. Books, knit items you don’t want or wear anymore, yarn, accessories, etc.

I have been working on the Rowan sweater, Jefferson, for George. The back is now 10 inches long, whew! I did get some more rows done on the granny square blanket the other night so I thought I would share.

It’s funky, I will say that! I am just going until I have no more homespun so it may end up pretty large & that is alright by me! Right now I would say it’s about 28″ across. I am standing on my footstool to get the picture. Bad light, old camera, not a chance at getting a focused picture.

I came across this pattern

Man's Striped Jumper and I think I am in love! How fun is that? Crazy stripes in the center yet still masculine! And the stripes are my favorite color combination. mmmm…..okay he’s pretty nice to look at too.