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Okay, so the crazed cast on phase continues! I received my yarn from knitpicks to start the norsk sweater. what I am so retarded and didn’t notice was the fact that the merino style yarn and the merino dye your own yarn have different gauges. So I had to totally finagle my way through the swatching last night to make the 2 yarns work together. It was a simple enough solution. By doubling the dye your own merino (the cream, main color) it came out to match gauge exactly! So today I will cast on for that beauty!

I am allowed to cast on because here is the finished back of the Brocade, unblocked, loose/tight floats and all.

I can’t say that I am overly pleased with how the intarsia turned out. I hurried through some sections, tried different float wraps on other sections. Finally about 1/3 of the way through I had the yarn & pattern all figured out so the rest went well. Not too much puckering that is irreparable. I have cast on the front & the ribbing as well as a few rows of the pattern are done. I will work on it slowly while working on other projects, namely the norsk sweater.

I can’t make it to the Java Station knitting group tonight. George has his manly get together night. They meet the last Thursday of every month so I will be missing that one night. Lame! But those weeks I am planning to go to the Mojo Coffee group on Tuesday nights. Melissa, Suzanne & I crashed their group this week & it was fun to meet other knitters/spinners/crocheters. There were only 6 of them meeting & I think we overwhelmed them just a bit with our loud talkiness. Random coincidence (which I don’t really believe in), the people that started the group, Molly and her husband Josh, live 3 houses down from me & we had no idea! Funny, odd and rather entertaining. We spent a good bit of time going over the neighborhood gossip. Just goes to show you how involved I am in the neighborhood, we have been here years, they have been here about a year and we had never met or just bumped into each other. We didn’t even recognize eachother! Kind of sad but hey that is just the way life is nowadays. At least here in California for the most part. It is nice to meet one more neighbor though, even if it’s at a completely unrelated event like a knitting group.

It’s now noon, I haven’t done my apad yet and I need to get some cleaning done. So I suppose this is goodbye for now. Hope you all have a great night at knitting & I will see you all next week!