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Finally in Idaho

So there was this great big plan for here in Idaho. Lots of sledding, skiing, snowball fights, building snowmen. We assumed since they haven’t been able to see the roads since October due to inches of ice that there would be plenty of  snow & ice for playing. Oh no! No, not with our luck. We brought the Santa Barbara weather with us here to Idaho. It is not even below freezing here! At night maybe but during the day it’s so warm all the snow & ice is melting! Lame!!! Luckily higher up at the ski resorts there is still plenty of snow falling & it’s only an hour up into the tetons towards Jackson Hole. So the plan is to go up there for our winter explorations!
Today I went to Walmart. I know some of you aren’t the biggest fans of the W but I don’t ever get to shop there so it’s a treat for me! I found some fun yarns to play with to make hats for the kids. I also bought 2 cones of Peaches’n’Cream cotton to make some kitchen accessories for my sister that we just stayed with. In SB at our LYS  the 1 lb. cones are $12. Here they are under $7! Hell yeah I am going to buy them here!
I have been working on 2 clapotis’ on the trip. One with this yarn in pink & brown. Lovely! I am only one repeat away from starting the decrease section. I thought I would have it done by now but while visiting my sister Christi in American Fork, UT I ended up crocheting hats for my niece Kennedi, my nephew Parker and Christi.
Very cute & I will try to get some pictures loaded here soon. We did a little Christmas/ birthday gift opening on the 17th before leaving to go to my sisters house. I have all those pics. My wonderful, amazing husband (with the help of my wonderful, amazing best friend) gave me 3 books I have been dying to have!! A Gathering of Lace, Wrap Style and Vintage Socks! So happy!!!
I will have to knit/crochet full time next year to get all the projects done! It’s just too exciting to have all that yarn & all the patterns right at my fingertips! Could this addiction to the fiber be dangerous? Dangerous enough that I am going to come home from knitting one Thursday night to an intervention? That had better not happen!! Be warned!
Now I am off to try to get some pics downloaded!
Merry Christmas everyone!!