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Okay, NOW I am pissed!

What the hell?!?

I cast on for the eyelet pullover as soon as I got the new vogueknitting fall 2005. Right, then I decided I would actually finish it. So I did! Before they posted corrections on their website. So now I see that there were corrections that would have saved me a lot of headache & figuring out what the hell they were talking about! Whatever!!

So now I have a very nicely blocked & washed eyelet pullover that is not perfect. Fine by me! I think it is one that I might actually wear here in the winter. Due to all the eyelet hole-y-ness I won’t die of heat exhaustion when we have our coldest daytime high of 55F. Enough of this sweater! You all will have pictures soon enough!

Oh and here is a small suggestion, don’t start a project out of a knit magazine until they have posted the corrections!

Okay on to other life issues. I am really sad about all the devastation from hurricane Katrina and the aftermath of the levee’s breaking. My first thoughts went to just trying to process the amount of devastation and the longevity of the problems. Then I thought of the death, then I thought of the kids, then I thought of the knitters. I hate to say it but I really thought of how knitters that have been displaced and lost everything will not have the stress release of knitting. Knitting something when you are anxious, stressed or out of money is such a great feeling of accomplishment for me. I can only guess that those knitters that have lost their homes, work and basically all they need to survive will be needing the support of the knitting community! This is our very own USA mini-version of the tsunamis. These people have NOTHING left! Not only that, they can’t even return to their homes,  let alone start rebuilding, for months!! It may even be years for some that didn’t have a lot to begin with. Thank God that the great people & state of Texas are pouring out their love & concern for their neighbors & taking any and all refugees from the Katrina ravaged states. Please, if you feel like I do and want to help in any way possible donate to the Red Cross! There may even be organizations in your community that are taking donations of items, not just money. Can you imagine a knitter walking through the donation line and seeing yarn & needles put together in a kit with a pattern, all ready to be picked up & knit?!? I don’t know how feasible this is but it would make my day after the hell they have gone through! If any one hears of anything else we as knitters can do please pass it on!