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Fun Monday night knitting!

I have been casting on more projects than one person should be allowed to handle! I will do a list (who doesn’t love a list!) but first let’s talk about what has been accomplished!

I finished a yummy shrug out of handpaintedyarn in paris nights merino bulky wool. LOVE IT! Most useful piece of clothing for the springtime.

A pair of socks using self patterning sock yarn. Pretty pinks & reds, love them!

Random drop stitch scarves using scrap yarn from other projects.

Okay now for the list of needle whording projects:

*sweater from spring interweave knits

*Bella sweater from it’s a tape thing, Rowan using handpaintedyarn in bulky wool turquoise

*3 pair of socks

* woven stitch 400stitch scarf (from Knitty Gritty, don’t laugh!)

*aran sweater for my mom (starting Christmas early this year!)

*felted bag

*random hats, crochet & knit

*herringbone poncho

*and of course the never-gonna-be-done-dammit-I-have-no-desire-to-finish-it Absolutely Fabulous Throw

That is all off the top of my head at 10:30pm. And for not being at home that isn’t bad!

Good night!