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Sorry to all my hordes of readers out there…

Okay, I know there aren’t that many of you but I do apologize for making you all go through the work of clicking a link to my blog & then there being NOTHING of importance happening for over a week.

Now on to what has been happening!

I finished one sweater for myself out of handpaintedyarn in verdeatriana (green in laymen’s terms). I decided on Christmas Eve morning that since I was going to torture myself at my in-laws I may as well have some knitting to deter me from spewing hateful words all day. Okay it wasn’t that bad, I just dread being in large groups of people. I would rather be home with my husband & kids knitting, truth be told. Back to the sweater… I cast on 190 on size 9 circ’s. Did a 2×2 rib border in the orange then switched to the green. I continued knitting in the round, did some shaping at 3″ then continued until I had the body the correct length to add the arms. The arms were done on dpn’s of the same size and worked straight for 3″ before I started the increases. I like the sleeves to be more fitted the entire arm instead of ballooning. Once I had the body & sleeves joined on one circ needle I started the raglan shaping. I used Elizabeth Zimmerman’s magical % pattern for the rest of the sweater. I have to say that Knitting Without Tears has been the most impressive, mind altering knitting experience I have ever had. It completely changed how I think about knitting. There are no more mysteries or things to be scared of. You just do it…no questions asked. Well there was one tiny flaw that I did have to frog about 6″ of the body to remedy then continue. But it didn’t freak me out to do it, I just ripped that b* out & kept on knitting. So I cast on on the 24th, had about 3″ done by the end of that long torturous day and completed the sweater on the 27th. Fast, fast, fast! I love knitting in the round!! Love it!  Once I had the sweater all completed I decided to add some fun accoutrements, I picked up 50 stitches going up the outside of the sleeve in the orange & knit 3 rows for a pseudo-flap. I did the same thing along one of the front raglan shapings. SO once I get buttons sewn on it will look like it unbuttons & opens! Ingenious! I just have to get over to Craft Essentials someday & get buttons. I looked through my button stash & I don’t have enough to make it work. I am so pleased with myself & this sweater that I could just jump for joy! It makes me want to start about a hundred more projects but I will restrain myself & only start a dozen.

I also finished a scarf out of some really fun green yarn in a fan & feather variation. I have yet to block it or sew in the ends. That will get done eventually I am sure. I need to make my sister in law a scarf too. I told her I would on Christmas Eve, damn the happy holiday spirit! Just kidding!

One of my husbands employees came over to the house today & he had on a hat that some other girl had crocheted him. WHAT?!? Total betrayal, I let him know it too! He is only allowed to wear the hats that he is lucky enough for me to bestow upon him, doesn’t he know that?? So totally lame!

So that is that & I will be on here more often I am thinkin’!

Knitting group was fun last night & it got me back in the social realm again. I guess I have to come out of my protective cocoon now….sigh…I so enjoyed it!