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<p><img src=””><br
  <font face=”Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial” size=”5″>You’re Malta!<br>
  <i><font size=”3″>With a strange attraction to crosses and falcons, you are one of the
most mysterious and unknown people in your group of friends, your community, or pretty
much any category you want to mention. &nbsp;You keep to yourself, but see yourself as a
knight in shining armor, ready to rescue people if they weren’t so far away. &nbsp;Still,
people are fascinated by you if they’ve heard of you, which most of them
haven’t.</font><br><font size=”2″ face=”Times New Roman”>Take the <a
href=”Country’>”>Country Quiz</a> at the <a
href=”Blue’>”>Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>