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Busy Saturday

Wow! My husband has decided to make me be social, he invited his crew from work & their significant others for a danish dinner. Yummy, yummy! But of course that meant that I had to spend from 10am-3:30pm cleaning. Lame! It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, that is the nice thing about a small house. I could have had the quick clean done in an hour but I felt convicted that I needed to do some things that I keep putting off. Like changing all bedding, working on laundry (i did 4 loads & put them away), rearranging some pics on walls, removing & organizing clutter (I must say that I have learned how to minimize clutter in the whole house except for the kids rooms, but in there it’s not clutter it’s just toys & a ton of books-totally a run on sentence, sorry about that). SO ~tadah~ I am showered, although without makeup still, and dressed. Of course I am waiting for my mail to come. XCrossingX my fingers that there will be one of my yarn orders. Last night was really fun Tracy & I went to the Starbucks close to her house in Montecito & knit our little hearts out for a couple of hours. It was freezing in there though! I had to stop knitting every once in a while & warm up my frozen fingers under my thighs. SO that was fun. Now I must go knit the anxiety, of having people over to my house, out so I am not totally jittery. Tracy will be here though so of course that will be very nice!

Probably post again on Monday & maybe some pics to go along!