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Well I finished another 2 ponchos in the last week, one for myself & one as a gift for a certain someone I can’t name because they read this blog.

Now I am determined to finish my striped sweater. I want it done for the fall & I know if I don’t get to it now while I am interested in it then it won’t get done. So overall I don’t have a ton of projects going. I am jonesin’ for a new afghan b/c I have some new fun yummy yarns to make it out of. But then there is the issue of guilt for not working on my mothers colinette absolutely fabulous throw first! Damn! Oh well I am an adult so I can do whatever I want!  

SO at our knitting group on Monday we saw some really fun yarn that one of the girls was working with. It is a patterned yarn that finishes with an intarsia pattern. Must have some of that for those projects where you really feel accomplished while still being lazy! Yay!

So we are doing a trip to the happiest place on earth! Yay! <clapping hands with a silly grin> Not much knitting will happen this weekend that is for sure! But maybe I will make my pretty husband drive so I can do a little something. It’s only 2 hours so a hat would be a good project. Maybe a fun pattern I haven’t tried yet. Who knows. I will just have to show you when I get back!! l8r sk8r