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Let’s do an up…

Let’s do an update, shall we??

Wichita has treated us well. Very well.

Our house, while being 2bd/1ba, has been very comfortable for us. Having a full basement that is finished enough to have Sadie’s bedroom down there and lots of room for the kids to have a TV/gaming area has been perfect!! Now where the baby will fit/live is a whole different organization issue. The space is there in our bedroom for a crib…clothes, that’s another story. Luckily we have a built in set of drawers and cupboard in the hallway that I can transfer items out of to make it the baby’s storage. Which I really need to start doing sooner rather than later.

Winter is here, I love the change from fall to winter. I love the holidays. Preparing for this Christmas has been different than others. I am not panicking about gift buying, knowing that the limited funds are what they are and I really don’t have the time, money, or means to get the gifts I want for those I love. And of course, they will understand.

I thoroughly enjoyed pumping out the kids stockings in a couple of weeks. I hadn’t felt accomplished in my needlework in a very long time. I lost steam once I got them all hung up so who knows if I will actually get mine and Josh’s finished. Let alone the kid on the way’s. Josh would love an argyle sock so I am thinking I will do that for both of us and make the baby’s stocking like the other 3. Easy enough to go gender neutral with Christmas colors.

Work is fine. I like my job, I like the people I work with and for. I love that Josh and I work at the same place, I think it actually helps us leave work at work since we know all the goings on. It would be fabulous if I made more money but considering I make $.75 more an hour than in Idaho and deal with less drama I am pleased. I will not look a gift horse in the mouth!

Oh! I have been on Ravelry looking for stocking patterns while I was drafting this post and found what I believe to be a perfect pattern match!!

Yep, it’s a sock pattern but the stitch count will work with tightly knit worsted weight to make a smaller stocking than the kids stockings. Just what I wanted. Awesome. Now I might be motivated to get started tomorrow.


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A Second Baby Item… Another Great Goodwill Find



$9 for this foldable Graco bassinet. Worse comes to worse the baby can sleep in it for the first couple months if we don’t find a crib or space for a crib. I really haven’t made space for this little being that will be here in 3.5 months. Probably need to do that.

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Stockings Hung with Care


All 3 kids stockings finished and hung! Of course, they can’t be filled while hanging…way too heavy for that. Now we’ll need stockings for Josh, the brewing baby, and I.
I have a day to finish Josh’s birthday gifts; a single crochet beanie and a manly shawl/scarf thingy I am making up as I go along. Crossing my fingers it works out how I want.
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