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I spun & spun & knit & knit

Friday & Saturday I spun my little fingers off. I almost finished the first roving dyebatch, Tracy was too impatient to see it balled up so I have just a tad bit of roving left to spin. I decided not to ply it once I pulled the ball out Sunday morning. It had relaxed the perfect amount for sock yarn.  

 320+ yards sockweight singlespun

 I decided to cast on first thing Sunday. I really, really thought I could stretch the yarn far enough for a pair of ankle socks. Here is the socktop.  I used a pattern out of Stitchionary for the eyelet ribbing. I love it! Unfortunately 6 hours later I realized that I didn’t have enough yarn for even ankle socks. With a foot of 5.5 inches knit I ripped it all out. That is okay, it was a nice knit & the yarn makes me happy so I will either ply it with another lightweight yarn & use it for something else or I will just dye myself some more roving (as soon as I get some natural roving) and just make myself some full socks.

Happy late Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! Here is what I was gifted, but will not receive for another week or so, for Mother’s Day!

 I can’t wait to have it!!! My huge, purple chair and a half has given me back trouble for the last few months & I am just tired of the behemoth thing!

I also got lots of amazing handmade gifties from my chillins. Stationary, crocheted jewelry (out of lion brand woolease thicknquick, not the daintiest of yarns) and other sundries. Overall it was a great Mother’s Day!

Here is the second dye batch of roving from Friday.

I started spinning it Saturday night & then a little bit after ripping out my sock last night. It’s a really fun yarn! I think it’s going to be plied with some fantastic lettuce green merino



roving I have to make a worsted weight yarn. I also got a really fun sampler of new for spring Ashland Bay rovings off Ebay.

 Gorgeous yeah???

I also got just an ounce of this Hollyberry roving.

 I only got one ounce because I am afraid it’s going to get muddy when spun up thinly. I will play with it & then decide if it’s worth buying more. Samples are fun!

If you have never seen, felt or used the merino roving you should check it out. It’s a fantastic roving for the price! Gorgeous colors & SO SOFT!

Shout out to Erin & Thuy for reminding me how fun spinning can be! Thursday night will be rather fun I think!! I am hoping my new rovings will be here by then so I can mess with them.