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Project Spectrum Green May

You would think since green is my favorite color that I would have started with projects for the theme of May much sooner~ no, not this time. But I did cast on for a green pair of socks today, that is my project for this month’s spectrum. Pictures will come once I get past the first few inches & you can see the actual pattern.

I do like socks. I also like to make them so it’s rather handy that I am not in any kind of mood to work on sweaters. I would much rather just make myself & a few others a dozen pair of socks before diving head first into my huge pile of sweaters that need finishing. I also have a wedding gift to be making so my ass better get in gear here real soon! I have 3 weeks until it is ‘due’. That is how I feel about it but I do think my plan is rather awesome. I will tell all when it’s finished.

After knitting last night I broke out my drop spindles that haven’t seen any action for over a year & prepared myself to start spinning again. Thuy has been making some bad-ass roving & yarn lately so I thought I would bust my way in & try some too. I dyed some natural merino roving & it’s drying now but as soon as it is done I will be spinning it up. Here is the progression of the roving. Of course I forgot to get pics of it freshly dyed before heat setting it.

 Undyed natural roving soaking in the sink.

Here it is all dyed but still wet.

Here it is fluffed out a little so it would dry faster, it’s in the dryer with warm air circulating throughout. I am way too impatient to wait for it to air dry! I am rather happy with the fact that I didn’t felt it at all while dying it. Pat on the back Chauntel! Good job!