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So here is something interesting I had happen on this yoke sweater. When I did the provisional cast on I just whipped the stitches onto the needles without paying too close of attention to the tension of the stitches on the needle. Yeah, about 2/3 of the stitches were way too loose and formed a ridge once I picked them up and started to knit down the body of the sweater.

That was an easy fix just a bit time consuming. I went through with a small cable needle and tightened each stitch down the line. I ended up with about 8 inches of extra yarn that I knotted on the backside for now.

Here is the yoke pretty much done. I have to fudge with the neckline a bit more to get it just the way I want it to be but I think I know how to finish it.

If you look closely there on the bottom right of the sweater you can see the loop of yarn from tightening the stitches. I had most of the row tightened when I took the picture. Overall I am happy with the fair isle but the collar I am not so happy with. I will ponder what to do while I finish the body & short sleeves.