I am doing exactly what I said I would not do! I am overloading myself with christmas gifts. Gifts that I know will be loved, used & appreciated. Unfortunately my eyes and brain are conspiring against me! I see yarn & a pattern or an idea & I MUST make it for someone! I couldn’t possibly buy a gift for that person that is nearly so perfect! aaaaahhh!!! breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out
I must say that the gifts have all been started (a few completed), all but clogs for my nephew & sweaters for my kids. I am holding off on the sweaters for my kids until I am sure that I will finish the rest of the gifts. Not that they aren’t important, I just don’t think my kids are dying for new knit sweaters from me. They hardly wear the ones they have now.
Yesterday my order from hpy came. Gorgeous idn’t it??
I needed one more hank of the verdeadriana super bulky merino to have enough for a cardigan. Not sure what cardigan I would like to do but I am sure I will come up with something fun.
The brown & pink mix is called shell pink & knit with size 9’s it is just perfect! Dumbshit that I am I only ordered 3 hanks instead of the 4 I need to a good sized project. Not exactly where it’s going to be used yet but we’ll see what jumps out at me once I start looking.
The blues/olives will (as of right now, I can always change my mind) become a deep V, high ribbed vest for moi!
As of right now that is about all I have to say about that! So off to k-n-i-t!