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A realization, not a big one, just a new one!

I just realized this morning that I haven’t put any pictures of completed baby things on my blog! Duh! It’s really been years since I have done any sweaters & such. Although, I did find a bag with all the finished pieces of a baby boy sweater. I hate finishing! But I will now finish it because my sister in law is pregnant & even though she isn’t finding out what the sex of the baby is I am sure it is a boy!

Also I hit my LYS this morning & bought some tiny needles, sz 1’s 2’s & 3’s, to work on my stripey sweater sleeves. Funniest story, well not so much funny as just frustrating~ my kids bunny ate my copy of stitch ‘n bitch so my friend Thuy gave me the pages that were eaten so I could finish my project. Well I pulled it out to work on it some more last night, thinking that I will never get it finished if I don’t,  and could not get the measurements to work.

DUH! I realized that there were corrections that I hadn’t paid attention to after I downloaded them off of the internet. Lame! So I frogged 13″ of the sleeve, to my husbands delight (he loves the ball winder, it’s the gadget guy in him). Started over & now I am devoted to getting at least this sleeve done this week! As well as work on other lame projects I have. Nothing is screaming “finish me! you will LOVE me if you just finish me & wear me!” So I am just dilly dallying on all projects. Current list of projects:

-stripey sweater (back done, one sleeve cast on)

-sweater for George (front & back done, one sleeve cast on)

-Labrador sweater for Sadie (Only have to sew it together, not much motivation considering she can’t wear it for at least 2 more months here)

-stripe/argyle sweater for sister for Christmas (back 1/3 way done)

-blanket for George~ it’s just too damn summery to make a blanket right now~

-Ummm….that might be it for now, oh no, elite yarn provence green cross-over tank out of the vogue before last.

If I dig I am sure I could come up with many more! So I am going to focus once again & get some of this crap done!!!



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Bored on a Saturday

Finally some sunshine around here!! Of course it didn’t show up until after noon but that is better than nothing! Tracy & I were downtown for a while, hit the one decent thrift store, Pier 1, Global feet & had lunch at a sandwich shop. Fun to be out but now I am home. I stopped at my LYS & bought myself a ball winder with my 40% off coupon, buttons for the poncho I started on Friday & some size 4 circ & dp needles. Gonna do up some fun smaller stuff.

There has been so much chunky stuff that I am feeling the need for some more delicate work. I am working on George’s sweater & the poncho right now. I started a sweater on Thursday while my son Tyler was having oral surgery, its not my favorite right now. But maybe next week I will like it better. I am going to go do some pics before it gets too dark outside.

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Finally some pictures!`

Whew! I finally just did the pictures! Why is it so hard to make yourself do something?? Like finish blocking these projects?? I went to linens and things last week & bought the stackable square drying racks  so that I actually have somewhere to block my items, instead of on the windowseat pillows in my bedroom. So now I just need to get through some more laundry & get it done!

Today is my son Tyler’s dental surgery so I am trying to decide what I want to take to work on. I will have at least 2 hours to kill. Maybe a new project needs to be started. Hmmm….

My yarn still isn’t here!!! I won another auction from them off of ebay & I am hoping that maybe it will come faster than the online store order.  Not sure what I am going to do with it yet, but I can’t wait to get it!

Off to prepare for surgery! Hope all goes well….